Want More Out of Life? Do This RIGHT NOW!


Get out some paper or go to your notes section in your phone. Make sure the date is on paper or note section. Write out all of the things you are grateful for. Use the following if you don’t know where to start.

I’m thankful for ____________.

I’m blessed to _____________.

Everyday my body allows me to ____________.


Manifesting is so powerful. It works, trust me. The only thing is you HAVE TO believe it or it won’t work! Write out or say out loud what you would like to come to pass in your life. Be specific!

I once wrote down that I wanted to go on a cruise overseas with my boyfriend. Guess what?! I went on a cruise and went to Barcelona all within a few months. All because I believed in my heart that it would happen. Now, I didn’t think I would go with all expenses paid by his job for the cruise, but I believed it would happen. It happened, just like that, all expenses paid with spending money given to us. I really just thought we would go because his mom said she wanted us all to go with her.


Think about what you want you life to look like.

Where do you want to live? What kind of car do you want to drive? What do you do daily that keeps you going? Do you work from home in your comfortable home office or in an office with floor to ceiling windows? Do you volunteer on Saturdays at the local shelter or sleep in and make a big breakfast for your family?

However you visualize your life, really visualize it for a few minutes daily. Trust in what you visualize and get to work on making it happen.

These first two exercises have worked for me. I am now working on visualizing more. Try these exercises and see what happens. I hope it works well for you. I hope you receive everything you want in this life and more!

Talk Soon,


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